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  • Date = 1900
Displaying 5 items
Iron industry and trade -- Periodicals., Steel industry and trade -- Periodicals., Industrial arts -- Periodicals., Petroleum industry and trade -- Periodicals.
Iron industry and trade -- Periodicals., Steel industry and trade -- Periodicals., Industrial arts -- Periodicals., Petroleum industry and trade -- Periodicals.
Coal mines and mining Pennsylvania Statistics Periodicals, Anthracite coal industry Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania. Second Anthracite District (Lackawanna County)
Table 5: List of non-fatal accidents that occurred in and about the mines of the First Anthracite District for the year ending December 31, 1899 P. 04. Statistics on mines from mining districts in Pennsylvania including information on production of coal, and accidents reported by the mine inspectors.
Coal mines and mining Pennsylvania Statistics Periodicals, Anthracite coal industry Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania. Second Anthracite District (Lackawanna County)
Table 5: List of non-fatal accidents that occurred in and about the mines of the First Anthracite District for the year ending December 31, 1899 P. 02. Statistics on mines from mining districts in Pennsylvania including information on production of coal, and accidents reported by the mine inspectors.
Shipping--United States--Directories, Shipping--United States--Statistics--Periodicals, Shipbuilding--United States--Statistics--Periodicals
Marine and naval directory of the United States; statistics of shipping and shipbuilding in the United States.