Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh Iron & Steel Heritage

Active Filters:
  • Date = 1924
Displaying 19 items
Bessemer 4 cycle direct gas engine driven compressor
Fifty-years of the Chamber of Commerce of Pittsburgh
The Koppers Company's coal gas plants.
Motive power development on the Pennsylvania Railroad System, 1831-1924
New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad electrification.
Pickling of iron and steel: a bibliography
Pure iron plates of long service
The relation of smoke
Rockwell air-tight blast gates
Rockwell automatic rotary furnaces and quenching, coating or coloring tanks for continuous heating, quenching and processing
School for Employees
Semi-centennial of the Chamber of Commerce of Pittsburgh, 1874-1924.
So Called Bessemer
Spring fever' in the forge shop : the cause--effect--cure
The strike for union
Transportation hints
United States of America before the Federal Trade Commission : Docket 760 [Vol.2]