Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh - American Marketplace

Active Filters:
  • Date = 1914
Displaying 16 items
American Lead Pencil Co. Catalog
Catalogue, no. 60 - Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett and Co.
Charter Gas and Gasoline Engines
Door hangers, grindstones, and hardware specialties  / Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Co.
Forged steel water-tube marine boilers manufactured by the Babcock and Wilcox Co.
How municipalities use the Addressograph .
How public utilities use the Addressograph .
The James way : a book showing how to build and equip a practical up-to-date dairy barn
Modern Compressed Air Locomotives
Moline Plows and other Flying Dutchman Farm Tools
Payday  : making it automatic with the Addressograph.
R. Williamson & Co. Lighting Fixtures. Sales Book no. 21
Saws, saw tools, mill specialties
Viko Highest Quality Genuine Aluminum Ware: Catalog no. 10
Worthington Volute Centrifugal Pumps - 1914 Catalog
Wyeth's Annual Catalog : Hardware Edition, Catalog No. 104